fall Registration is open! Registration closes Sunday, August 18th
The CDA Adult Soccer Club Board (the Board) is comprised of volunteer members of the CDA Adult Soccer Club. The Board maintains official records. The Board provides accurate rosters and player cards for all teams and maintains correspondence with state and national organizations.
The Board is responsibility for resolving disputes between members, managers, and teams.
The Board meets on a monthly basis to conduct business of the club. These meetings are open to team managers and current members.
Luis Sanez
Interested in refereeing CDA Adult Soccer games? Email Luis today!
The PRESIDENT chairs and coordinates meetings, oversee membership functions, and acts
as a representative and local spokesperson with the Coeur d'Alene Parks and Recreation
Department and the Coeur d'Alene City Council and shall act as League Operator. The President has the authority to sign, on behalf of the corporation, contracts, and other instruments in writing,
including obligations required in legal proceedings. The President shall provide leadership, initiate growth, and continue to seek betterment of organization. The President responds in a timely and appropriate manner to all emails and phone calls received directly from membership. The President reviews each seasons/special event budget proposals, contractor contracts, and operations of the Club on a regular basis. The President shall have ability to assign tasks to board members, committees and those who volunteer within the organization.
The VICE PRESIDENT performs the duties of the president in his/her absence and
shall be publicity chairperson. Shall direct disciplinary actions when necessary, but will not be
involved if the infraction involves him/her self or the team he/she is playing with.
The SECRETARY keeps a permanent, accurate record of all Board meetings and
activities, furnish copies of minutes to the board members, and notify club members of all
regular and special meetings. All new business to be discussed should be submitted to the
President or the Secretary so it may be added to the next meeting agenda.
The TREASURER is responsible for all monies collected and disbursed by the Board
of Directors. The Treasurer shall deposit monies received in a federally-insured bank, approved by the Board, in the name of the club. The Treasurer shall hold all blank checks. The Treasurer maintains records revenue and expenditures, assuring accounts are paid, present reports of
current finances and regular board meetings, and prepare a report for the annual membership
meeting. The Treasurer shall also prepare an annual budget. The Treasurer keeps a
permanent record of fiscal transactions and provide a brief written report on of Club finances at the Board’s monthly meetings.
The REGISTRAR is responsible for monitoring the registration process. The Registrar shall prepare player cards and maintain up-to-date records of the association
membership. The Registrar is appointed by the governing board. The Registrar (unless elected as an officer) is non-voting member of CDAAS.
The REFEREE ADMINISTRATOR is a certified Referee and maintains certification during his or her term as a board member. The Referee Administrator is responsible for assigning Club games and handle disagreements and complaints between team captains and referees. The Referee Administrator is appointed by the governing board. The Referee Administrator (unless elected as an officer) is a non-voting member.
The PUBILICITY DIRECTOR is responsible for obtain scores of games from team managers, report scores to the CDAASC, newspaper, website, and Facebook page; coordinate
any publicity, specifically to increase membership, for the CDAASC with the media. The Publicity Director is appointed by the governing board. The Publicity Director (unless elected as an officer) is a non-voting member.
The FIELD COORDINATOR is responsible for being a liaison with the City of Coeur d’Alene’s Parks and Recreation Department. The Field Coordinator is responsible for reserving field space, negotiating field fees, and coordinating with the City if the fields are not in good condition/properly lined. The Field Coordinator is responsible for goals, nets, and flags. The
Field Coordinator may also be responsible for fostering relationship with other cities and
organizations with field space including.
The TEAM MANAGERS act as a liaisons for the Club's members to present ideas and concerns. The team manager coordinate registration for his/her team and assist with the updating of player cards.
Team managers coordinate team uniforms and inform team members of initial schedule and any changes to the schedule throughout the season. Team managers are voting Board members.